Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Do or Die: Enrollment Phase II

June 3, 2008. I woke up when my alarm clock has rung. It was four in the morning. As usual, I just stirred a cup of Milo: that’s breakfast for me that day.

Before I knew it, it was six thirty and I was already at the front of the door of Lingg. Up until eight there was no person in front of Lingg but me. When the enlisting staff came, I confidently enlisted for the Koreyano 10 class. Sweet.

Then I went to IM for us to know the results of the petition of a new section in a major subject. It was granted after their lunch break. So now I have eighteen units. Good riddance.

With some of my friends, I went to SE to at least enroll in an elective. Damn them. We were in the line for, like, three hours just to be informed that they didn’t want students who were “playing safe”.

Our philosophy was: in times of conflicting schedules, enlist before cancel. But, horribly, the SE didn’t want that. They wanted us to cancel our dear classes first before they can enlist us. Damn, they are paranoids! I hate them!

So it was already four in the afternoon when I decided to continue the registration process. Unfortunately, I validated late so I have to come tomorrow to retrieve my form before paying.

Now, [the additional problem is] some of my friends won’t give up in enlisting an Economics subject. So I have to go with the flow, since I want that as an elective as well. But there might be no more slots available for us. Argh…

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