Survivor has been known since year 2000. This show has been loved by almost everyone I knew.
To be completely honest, I just became a fan of this reality show when the 17th season aired on my favorite TV channel. So what I did so that I can have ideas about Survivor is to research on the Internet about the past seasons.
Outwit. Outplay. Outlast. This is the "tag line" of the show.

I was reading the forums earlier and I noticed a lot of fans-turned-to-haters. They keep complaining that the producers are manipulating the game too far as to favor Ken and Crystal and to diffuse the so-called Onion Alliance 
(the alliance originally formed by Marcus, Charlie, Jacquie, and Corrine). I annoyed by their whines. Maybe because I have biases in favor of Kenny, but no. That's not the reason.
One. The producers didn't orchestrated the second switching of tribes to save Ken's and Crystal's @$$es. Notice that in Episode 8, the ratio of the contenders on the new switched tribe was 3:2 in favor of the growing "Onion Alliance" so that they can smash the losing tribe (where Ken and Crystal belong). But what happened? Did they succeeded voting out Ken and Crystal? NO! Why? First, because the partitioning was based on picking up a number: clearly, no producers' intervention. As I said, the ratio was 3:2 so that the 2 aforementioned are about to be toasted. Second. Susie wasn't told by the producers who to vote out. It was Marcus's fault for not being careful on winding up a story. Mathematician's rule: trash all inconsistencies. Marcus had been proven inconsistent with his speech and his cover was blown due to the bond between Ken, Crystal, and Susie.
Two. Let me tell you something: if you're watching a reality show but you already know the outcome, will it still be fun to watch? My answer is NO! Many viewers were impressed by Marcus and Charlie and they want those two to win.
In fact, they keep winning the challenges and they had the numbers so they can win anytime! The producers' intention, I think, is not to save the losing people but to shaken up a bit and watch what will be the response of the contenders. Fair enough? I just meant that despite their advantage (note previous paragraph), they were still crushed. I think their overconfidence was their key to destruction.
Three. When did Ken became incompetent? When did Ken became a whiner and an idiot? Note that on Episode 3, Ken beat Physics teacher Bob on a Math puzzle despite Ken solving it on a later time. On Episode 7, Ken (together with Matty) helped their team catch up with the challenge. Also, on that episode, he orchestrated the blindside against Ace. Say, who's the incompetent idiot?
I'm going to repeat again. OUTWIT. OUTPLAY. OUTLAST. Nothing will happen if only got physical strength. This is a game of survival, not a test of strength or speed. If you want those shows, then tune in to the next Olympic games. We know that we will do anything to survive, right?
Well, just a few of my rants. To be specific, this is a counter-rant and a counter-whine to those stupid loser viewers who want Marcus to win and show more of his pen!$. Or not just to Marcus but to those who side with him, notably Charlie.
To be completely honest, I just became a fan of this reality show when the 17th season aired on my favorite TV channel. So what I did so that I can have ideas about Survivor is to research on the Internet about the past seasons.
Outwit. Outplay. Outlast. This is the "tag line" of the show.
One. The producers didn't orchestrated the second switching of tribes to save Ken's and Crystal's @$$es. Notice that in Episode 8, the ratio of the contenders on the new switched tribe was 3:2 in favor of the growing "Onion Alliance" so that they can smash the losing tribe (where Ken and Crystal belong). But what happened? Did they succeeded voting out Ken and Crystal? NO! Why? First, because the partitioning was based on picking up a number: clearly, no producers' intervention. As I said, the ratio was 3:2 so that the 2 aforementioned are about to be toasted. Second. Susie wasn't told by the producers who to vote out. It was Marcus's fault for not being careful on winding up a story. Mathematician's rule: trash all inconsistencies. Marcus had been proven inconsistent with his speech and his cover was blown due to the bond between Ken, Crystal, and Susie.
Three. When did Ken became incompetent? When did Ken became a whiner and an idiot? Note that on Episode 3, Ken beat Physics teacher Bob on a Math puzzle despite Ken solving it on a later time. On Episode 7, Ken (together with Matty) helped their team catch up with the challenge. Also, on that episode, he orchestrated the blindside against Ace. Say, who's the incompetent idiot?
I'm going to repeat again. OUTWIT. OUTPLAY. OUTLAST. Nothing will happen if only got physical strength. This is a game of survival, not a test of strength or speed. If you want those shows, then tune in to the next Olympic games. We know that we will do anything to survive, right?
Well, just a few of my rants. To be specific, this is a counter-rant and a counter-whine to those stupid loser viewers who want Marcus to win and show more of his pen!$. Or not just to Marcus but to those who side with him, notably Charlie.
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